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Dear Marvel Clients and Partners,

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve, I just want to assure you of the proactive steps that Marvel has been taking for almost a month now.

  1. Sanitizing and disinfecting our office and barracks with bleach and lysol/solbac twice a day
  2. Staff and crew are given vitamins C and D daily to boost our immune system
  3. Reminders on how to avoid COVID-19 are posted in our crew board, common areas and wash areas.
  4. All crew have alcohol so crew can sanitize their hands and trucks and motorcycles  during deliveries

We are coordinating with our consultants on the steps we can take in the event of a government lock down and we shall share these with you once finalized.

Thank you and rest assured we are here to provide you our best service in this unique time.


Marvel COVID Response