Marvel Trucking Solutions, Inc.

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Batangas Relief Operation

Last January 12, 2020, Taal Volcano erupted unexpectedly that nearby barangays surrounding it were forced to evacuate. Fear and anxiety reigned as the victims watch their properties, livelihood, and all that they had turn into nothing. Meanwhile, different individuals and organizations started collecting donations for the displaced residents of the Taal Volcano eruption. Two of these organizations are Pasigueño Car Club and Pasig Knight Defender Rescue Volunteer Group Inc.. They conducted relief operations and started collecting donations everyday since the…

Fun Facts About Truck !!

Did you know the other meaning of 18 Wheels? Everyone knows that there are 18 wheels on a rig. However, as the Hebrew letters used to indicate 18, and also spell the word that literally means life, 18 is also considered an expression of blessing in the Jewish tradition.       Source: